We're on a beach, we're up on a mountain, we're eating fried bugs, we're running from monkeys, we're riding with all three of us on a motorbike. Wow, what a difference a year makes!
A year ago I was 50, bored, in a very shaky marriage and wondering- is this it? Is this going to be my life? Is this how I'm going to live the rest of my life? I got very...blue. Blue. Not depressed I don't think, just a real sense of gloomy boredom and a feeling that the spark had left my life. Then a couple of life changers happened -I won't go into it now, maybe when I get a little more comfortable with blogging and decide whether or not I want this to be a full disclosure type blog . Anyway, the said life changers were of the sort that at another time, to another me, may have been devastating. But to the gloomy, blue, looking for an excuse to do ANYTHING DIFFERENT me? I saw a chance to do what I have had a yearning- really an almost painful need to do. WANDER....

So on January 31, 2012, I took my two blessings and went out to see the world, to wander, to get our education from the around the world, we had already homeschooled more than not in my two teen's lives so I knew (or hoped, with teens it changes daily) I had that part covered, ...I spun a wheel in my head that had a few places I knew I could go, and the spinner landed on Penang, Malaysia.